This is the only way

The Fulcra Way

Founded in 2017 and based in Orlando, Florida, where hospitality comes naturally, our team, with decades of experience and vibrant organizational culture, offers the most professional and reliable service.

Our attention to detail and flexibility to best suit your event needs gained us recognition and the differentiating factor in the industry.

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality service, technology, and results, ensuring that your event runs smoothly, looks great, and achieves your objectives.

From beginning to end, trust us to provide peace of mind and make your event a big success.

Meet the Makers

The Makers

It's always ready to provide custom solutions that meets yours needs and brings joy to your clients

Danny Maldonado
Seth Claussen
Operations Manager
Monica Gunsha
Training Manager/Senior IT Specialist
Erskine Childers
Senior Designer/Platform Specialist
Jose Cortes
Technology Director
Nelson Zuniga

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HQ: Orlando, Florida

Georgia | Nevada
Texas | Washington